lclint-interest message 140

From:	Jens Schweikhardt []
Sent:	Friday, May 09, 1997 4:46 AM
To:	Conor O'Neill
Subject:	Re: Problems with Solaris system include files


Hi all,

We have built lclint on a Sparc Solaris 2.5.1 machine using GCC 2.7.2 It
built fine and "build test" also ran fine but when we try to lint
anything that includes system include files, it falls over with error
messages indicating that we should send bug reports. We have set the
switches to the most "slack" setting but it gives non-stop internal
error problems in things like types.h.  Should we be using GNU libc or
something?  Anyone else had this problem?
Did you try the following flags? They helped me most of the time to get
around various problems related to vendor extensions and such.  Note
however, that this may only work for pure ISO C or POSIX sources because
lclint knows about those headers internally.  

      prevent inclusion of header files in a system directory with names
      that match standard ANSI headers. The symbolic information in the
      standard library is used instead.  Flag in effect only if a library
      including the ANSI library is loaded.  The ANSI headers are: assert,
      ctype, errno, float, limits, locale, math, setjmp, signal, stdarg,
      stddef, stdio, stdlib, strings, string, time, and wchar.  
      Categories: directories, files 
      Default Setting: + 
      Set locally 

      prevent inclusion of header files in a system directory with names
      that match standard POSIX headers. The symbolic information in the
      posix library is used instead.  The POSIX headers are: dirent,
      fcntl, grp, pwd, termios, sys/stat, sys/times, sys/types,
      sys/utsname, sys/wait, unistd, and utime.  Categories:
      directories, files 
      Default Setting: + 
      Set locally

     optimize header inclusion to not include any header files
     Categories: headers, performance
     Default Setting: -
     Set globally only
     Ignore header includes. Only works if relevant information is
     loaded from a library.

Jens Schweikhardt 
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University of Virginia, Computer Science