lclint-interest message 176
From Wed Nov 5 20:55:12 1997
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 97 20:51:40 -0500
From: (David Evans)
In-Reply-To: Patrick Litherland's message of Thu, 6 Nov 1997 01:25:55 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Subscription request
> I'm suddenly getting the feeling I may be out of my depth in this group,
> though, so I'm going to keep my head down under the parapet for a while...
Not to worry...this list ranges from beginning student programmers to
formal methods researchers to experiences developers, and
questions/comments/complaints from beginners are certainly welcome.
I think I may have intimidated people from posting to this list with the
welcome message which focuses more on the academic side of things than
on making this list a resource for people using lclint. I don't want
this to degenerate into a forum for general C language questions (as
there are much better places to do this already, like
comp.lang.c.moderated), but this list has been very quiet lately and
only about 10% of subscribers have ever posted anything.
I've attached the current welcome message to this message. Any
suggestions on what would be a more appropriate charter for this list?
--- Dave
Welcome to the lclint-interest mailing list.
Please post a brief message (to
introducing yourself and describing your professional interests. Feel
free to also include any ideas you have for lclint development or
comments on your experiences using lclint.
This list is intended for informal discussions on the use and
development of lclint, and how it relates to more general issues in
software engineering.
This list is a bounce list so any message sent to will be sent directly to everyone on
the list. If you have administrative questions, send them to This list is archived at
Some topics I hope to see discussed on this list include:
o Experiences using lclint ---
how is your organization using lclint?
how much effort spent on annotations (or specifications) is
useful in practice?
what ways of using lclint are most effective?
which checks are most effective in catching real bugs?
are spurious messages a problem?
o Ideas for improvements to lclint ---
what checks should be done that are not?
what should be added to enable further checking?
what coding styles should be supported?
o More general discussions on the role of specifications and
static checking in software engineering.
Currently, this list has over 150 members from around the world.
University of Virginia, Computer Science