LCLint can be used most productively with the emacs text editor. The
release package includes emacs files for running LCLint and editing code with
Editing Abbreviations
An additional file, emacs/lclint-abbrevs contains abbreviations for LCLint syntactic comments and annotations. If it is loaded, the comment surrounding an LCLint annotation will be added automatically. For example, typing "only" and a space, will produce "/*@only@*/ ". Abbreviations are provided for each LCLint syntactic comment. The abbreviation of /*@null@*/ is nll (not null), since it is often necessary to type NULL.
Abbreviations are loaded and used when a .c or .h file is edited by adding
these lines to your .emacs file:
(quietly-read-abbrev-file "<directory>/lclint-abbrevs")
(setq c-mode-hook (function (lambda nil (abbrev-mode 1))))
University of Virginia, Computer Science
[email protected]